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Past Productions

PUSH PARTY by Nia Akilah Robinson
Directed by Chesray Dolpha

Theaterlab | June 2024

Nia Akilah Robinson’s Push Party is a lively ensemble comedy about six Black women trying to uphold fifteen years of friendship at a post-birthing party in Harlem. All Lelo wants is for this event to go smoothly, but tensions among the group rise and then explode when an unhoused person lands in the community room. Inspired by Black women’s stories of birth and motherhood and by the joys and challenges of life in Harlem, this new play confronts the moments when friendship erodes, when hope starts to falter, when we argue until we laugh, and when Black folk see other Black folk suffering and die a little inside.

Featuring: Mikayla Bartholomew, Brittany Davis, Breezy Leigh, Claudia Logan, Nedra Snipes, and Clarissa Vickerie

Scenic Design by Ant Ma with Yun Yen | Costume Design by Patricia Marjorie | Lighting Design by Xotchil Musser | Sound Design by Jordana Abrenica with Kaitlyn Trusty | Property Design by Jacqueline Brockel | Production Stage Manager Cassandra Gutterman-Johns | ASM Amanda Reynoso | Press Representative Emily Owens PR

BRAINSMASH by Sophie Weisskoff

Directed by Emma Miller

59E59 Theaters | March 2023

After Maisie gets hit by a car, a traumatic brain injury turns her life upside down. Suddenly computer screens hurt to look at, cafes feel like minefields, and why did no one ever tell her that speech-to-text would be this hard?  BRAINSMASH is a sense-engaging, funny-sad play about acquired disabilities and being there for those who need you most, even if they don’t know how to ask.

Featuring: Paola Sanchez Abreu, Andrew Duff, Beth Griffith, Julia Greer, Emma Kikue, Julia Weinberg

Scenic and Property Design by Cat Raynor | Costume Design by Dan Wang | Lighting Design by Vittoria Orlando | Sound Design by Margaret Montagna | Production Stage Manager: Siena Yusi

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EVENTS by Bailey Williams
Directed by Sarah Blush

The Brick | December 2022

The other day, something happened to Itchy at work. She started itching. On another day, the office of Todd David Design plans an event. An event, as you know, is a story with a beginning, a middle, and an end. The theme of the event is eggs. But what is the story of the egg? This is going to be an indelible, one-of-a-kind experience for Mark, Joanna, their company Juvenescence, the guests, the itch, the crease of your elbow, your armpits, your itch, your knees, and the back of your scalp. Just watch out for the art, okay? Don't touch anything if you're not sure. 

Featuring: Dee Beasnael, Brian Bock, Julia Greer, Claire Siebers, Derek Smith, Zuzanna Szadkowski, Haley Wong

Scenic Design by DOTS | Costume Design by Dan Wang | Lighting Design by Masha Tsimring | Sound Design by Johnny Gasper | Property Design by Rhys Roffey | Production Stage Manager Zeynep Akca | Production Manager Jack Woods | Press Representative Emily Owens PR

HAPPY LIFE by Kathy Ng
Directed by Kat Yen

Walkerspace | July 2022

A woman leaving behind a lying life tries to move into her new apartment in Hong Kong, but the two ghosts living underneath the floorboards will not allow it. A real estate agent discusses the intricacies of the Human Sperm Lottery over a naughty phone chat line. A hot-shot porn editor searches for her dead brother in tree branches and empty McChicken wrappers. happy life is a play about the domestic efficiency of stacking the living on top of the dead; about jargon and vomit and the bureaucracy of second chances. What oozes out, when there's no more room?

Featuring: Amy Chang, Sagan Chen, Priyanka Arya Krishnan, Viet Vo, and Rachel Yong

Scenic and Props Design by Lily Guerin | Costume Design by Alicia Austin | Lighting Design by Evan C. Anderson | Original Music and Sound Design by Daniela Hart with UptownWorks (Daniela Hart, Noel Nichols, and Bailey Trierweiler) | Production Stage Manager Kyra Bowie | Press Representative Emily Owens PR

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THE COMMONS By Lily Akerman

Directed by Emma Miller

59E59 Theaters | February 2020

Missing almonds, empty apologies, and a pizza box in the recycling bin that clearly belongs in the trash. When space is at a premium, there’s no room for weak links. The Commons is a play about living with strangers and the things that seem small, until they aren’t.

Featuring: Olivia Abiassi, Julia Greer, Ben Katz, Olivia Khoshatefeh, Ben Newman

Set Design by Emmie Finckel | Lighting Design by Victoria Bain | Costume Design by Dara Affholter | Property Design by Holden Gunster | Sound Design by Caroline Eng | Dramaturgy by Christine Scarfuto | Production Stage Manager Hanako Rodriguez

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Directed by Hannah Wolf

La Jolla Playhouse WOW Festival | October 2019

Through ritual, exorcism and excavation, She Buried the Pistol offers an intimate exploration of madness, gender, and family history.

Starring Lydia Blaisdell

Projection Design by BP Houle | Property Design by Greg Culley

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ATHENA By Gracie Gardner

Directed by Emma Miller

At JACK | February - April 2018 & Remounted September 2018

Mary Wallace and Athena are brave, and seventeen, and fencers, and training for the Junior Olympics. They practice together, they compete against each other, they spend their lives together. They wish they were friends.

Featuring Abby Awe, Julia Greer, Eva Ravenal and Carolyn Kettig

Set Design by Emmie Finckel | Lighting Design by Victoria Bain | Sound Design by Z Worthington | Costume Design by Dara Affholter | Property Design by Jess Cummings | Fight Choreography by Ryan Bourque | Production Stage Manager Hanako Rodriguez | Press Representative Emily Owens PR

ATHENA is now available on Samuel French. Buy your copy today.

FOR ANNIE By Beth Hyland

Directed by Emma Miller

Lucid Body House | December 2016 - January 2017

Annie Lambert was murdered in the middle of her senior year. So her sisters of the Beta Tau Alpha sorority at SUNY Onondaga are memorializing her in the best way they know how: They're putting on a play. For Annie uses Greek chorus, pop music, dance, and a lot of glitter to explore grief, guilt, sisterhood, and what it means to remember.

Featuring Bartley Booz, Elizabeth Colwell, Shelby Green, Julia Greer, Sammi Katz, Alex Najarian, Andrea Negrete, Ari Shapiro, Aliza Sotsky, Leila Teitelman, Laura Winters

Set Design by Emmie Finckel | Lighting Design by Amy Elliott | Sound Design by Lauren Zoppo | Costume Design by Dara Affholter | Choreography by Lucia Knell | Production Stage Managed by Rachel Shaw | Stage Managed by Mia Carey

FOR ANNIE ran at LUCID BODY HOUSE from December 9, 2016 - January 15, 2017.